Strategic Approaches
The key WPI strategic approaches are:
- Local-led approach. WPI works with and through highly qualified local institutions and leaders which have the cultural, operational, and political understanding of the local operating environment to be successful in introducing sustainable change.
- Rely on local expertise. WPI recognizes that largely based on USAID and other donor investments, strong local and regional individual and institutional capacity has been built and should be the source of needed expertise.
- Focus on locally developed priorities. WPI is committed to sustainable change and recognizes that such change can only come through priorities and plans defined by local needs and commitments made by local actors versus those imposed by external actors.
- Integrated approaches built on analysis. WPI builds its interventions based on comprehensive analysis of interrelated factors and actors in the problems to be addressed. Interventions are built on engagement, co-design, and collaboration with stakeholders from all sectors of the local context (government, civil society, private sector, and academia).
- Focus on the positive. WPI recognizes and builds on the inherent positiveness in mankind and the need to stimulate and support those positive instincts versus focusing on negative behavior. This approach usually leads to successful innovation practices that refresh traditional approaches.
- Data and Analytic Driven approaches. WPI supported activities are designed and based on qualitative and quantitative information and proven best practices. Interventions help counterpart institutions to build their data driven management and analysis capacities to then guide decisions on how to invest scarce public resources.
- Local-systems and User oriented approaches. WPI embraces local-system approaches that focus on points of delivery of government services and how to make them more responsive and effective to the users of the system. We embrace the use of affordable technology to that end always ensuring that proposed interventions are designed with local capacity and capability in mind in order not to introduce solutions that cannot be sustained due to lack of human, technical or financial resources.
- Citizens and victim’s needs prioritization. WPI identifies people’s justice needs and finds innovative ways to improve and create services that are available to all. We help justice sector actors adopt a greater public service orientation.
- Gender and Social Inclusion. In all our work, crosscutting identification, recognition, and active incorporation of historically disadvantaged groups is an integral part of our programmatic approach.
This new vision is built on successful work in many countries such as Argentina, El Salvador, Chile, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, and Mexico.